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Device Controls

Use Device Controls to preform device actions and commands that can be used to control a device.


Inventory - In the Inventory View, you'll find that for devices detected as online, that also support the reboot capability can be rebooted directly from the Inventory Panel.

Supported APIs

Call Control

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
activeCallsReturns an object containing all active calls on a specified device.QuerydeviceId
leaveCall Ends a call on a specified device.MutationcallId, deviceId
startCall Begins a call on a specified device.MutationdialString, deviceId

Device Logs

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
accessLogUrl Returns a URL to download device logs in a compressed format.QuerydeviceId
logToFlashStatus Stores device logs to flash storage connected to the local file system.QuerydeviceId

Device Registration

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
registerDevice Register a device in Poly Lens.MutationdeviceId
unregisterDevice Unregister a device in Poly Lens.MutationdeviceId

Reboot & Reset Device

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
factoryReset This will perform a factory reset on a device where all settings and current connections to Poly Lens for it will be reset.MutationdeviceId
rebootDevice This will reboot the device, all active calls will be terminated and the device will be offline for several minutes.
Note: Poly TC8/TC10 are currently not supported with the includeIinkedDevices argument.

Software Updates

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
updateDevice Updates the device's name, site, and room. Prioritizes site/room name over site/room UUID. If the site/room name does not exist then will create a new site/room, otherwise matches to an existing site/room.MutationdeviceId
updateDeviceOS Updates the operating system of a device.MutationdeviceId